About Us / History

In 1918, the founder, Mr. Lin Shang-Chih, established the Hsieh-Chih Trading Company, driven by the spirit of "Integrity, Sincerity, Diligence, and Thriftiness." Through his work, he built a reputation for trustworthiness in society. Over thirty years, he successfully completed more than 600 civil engineering projects, including the Executive Yuan building.

Founder Mr. Lin Shang-Chih deeply understood that the most important aspect of running a business is talent. To cultivate outstanding industrial talent, in 1942, the founder ended his personal business and donated his wealth to establish a school-company integrating education and industrial research and development. Aside from retaining 10% of the company's shares for personal use and giving another 10% to employees as employee shareholders, he donated 80% to the Hsieh-Chih Industrial Development Association. This association established the Hsieh-Chih Industrial Awards and Scholarships, created the Hsieh-Chih Industrial Publications Company, and planned for the founding of Tatung Institute of Technology. Tatung School was also established, with Mr. Lin Ting-sheng appointed as teacher, principal, and chairman of the board, marking the beginning of the institution's educational mission.

Article 1 of the Company Bylaws: "This company is established to achieve cooperative education with Tatung Institute of Technology and Tatung Senior High School. All investment returns from the school fund will be used solely for educational purposes. The company will accept investments from the school fund and will also accept social investments from the public to ensure adequate capital. In accordance with the provisions of the Company Act for Company Limited by Shares, this company shall be named Tatung Co., Ltd." This company serves as an affiliated internship factory for the school, like how a medical school has an affiliated hospital for clinical practice; it provides students with the opportunity to complement their studies with internships in the company's laboratories, we have created the world's only practical, integrated research and development of industrial education in Tatung School.

In addition to the responsibility of some parents to educate their children, Tatung School-Company accepts the requests of company operators, engineers and scientists to assist in applied research, and promotes the world's only research and development of the integration of education and education in China, which is the only one in China that rewards scientific inventions and creations. The world's smallest university in the world for educational principles, specializing in the cultivation of a wide range of industrial talents. Alumni are engaged in the construction of factories in private and public companies, promoting industrialization work, excellent practice of labor and capital, industrial autonomy business philosophy, constantly building self-reliant management, self-reliance science, self-reliance technology, creating knowledge system products and services for people from all over the world, and innovating and growing up to Zhou, although the old state has a long history of restoration and a new career, so as to create a new culture of the Chinese nation of self-cultivation and "running a school, a company, and a factory" to govern the country and level the world.

Tatung School-Company adopts a "cooperative education" model for research and development. Under this model, more professors personally guide students on-site, taking on part of the responsibility of educating the students, which traditionally falls on parents. Once fully prepared, these professors provide quality classroom instruction and conduct basic research. In addition, they collaborate with company managers, engineers, and scientists by assisting with applied research. This approach promotes a unique system in our country that rewards scientific invention and creation, while also preserving historical, cultural, and artistic landmarks through the integration of education and industry. This is the world’s smallest university, designed according to sound educational principles, specializing in cultivating diverse industrial talents. Its alumni contribute to the construction of both private and public factories within the country, excelling in promoting industrialization through the "labor and capital unity, industrial autonomy" management philosophy. They keep building up self-reliant industries, self-driven science, and independent technology, creating products and services that innovate and serve people worldwide. It's like the old saying, ‘Though ancient, its mandate is renewed daily,’ symbolizing how this long-standing enterprise constantly reinvents itself. All in all, we’re shaping a new culture of excellence—kind of like running a ‘school-company-factory’ to build the future!

The inscription on the Shang dynasty bronze plate states: "If one can be renewed, let them be renewed daily, and let this renewal continue every day." Our school is founded on this principle, pursuing daily progress in teaching, research, and the cultivation of students.


Brief History of the School


Significant Historical Events:


Established the Tatung Junior Industrial Vocational School. (Fall 1942)


Admitted one class of the Mechanical Department of the Junior Division. (Fall 1943)


The school relocated to its current site following approval in accordance with educational laws. At that time, the land area was less than 3,000 pings. Under the guidance of the founder and chairman, the first and second classroom buildings, library, Mechanical Engineering practice factory, and Electrical Engineering practice factory were but there was no sports field, but there was no sports field.  Due to shortages of building materials in the post-WWII recovery period, all buildings were made of brick and remained without plaster. Except for the Electrical Engineering practice factory, which was demolished to become part of the Shangchih building, the rest remain in use.


The Mechanical Engineering Department of the Senior Division was added.


The Electrical Engineering Department of the Junior Division was added.

Planned and inaugurated the sports field.


Approval was given for the establishment of a two-year specialized Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments.

Suspended the admissions for the Electrical Engineering Department of the Junior Division. (July 1956)


Approved to establish a two-year specialized Business Administration Department. After the establishment of the two-year specialized department, an approval was given to establish the Tatung Industrial College (now Tatung University). At this point, it was nominally dissociated from the Tatung Industrial Vocational School.


For operation, Tatung's shares of the Hsieh Chih Industrial Revitalization Association were donated to Tatung Technical College and Tatung Industrial Vocational School as a fund, and the school was entrusted with the task of presenting “Hsieh Chih Industrial Scholarships” to those who had contributed to the country and society with their scientific, technological, and cultural merits in terms of invention, creativity, and research.


Approved to establish an industrial vocational tutorial school.


The two-year specialized department was changed to a five-year specialized department under the College of Engineering.
Suspended the new student admissions to the Mechanical Engineering Department of both junior and senior divisions.


The school transitioned to a five-year industrial vocational school, discontinuing all departments of junior and senior divisions. (July 1965)


The supplementary school added an electronics department and a graphics department in the senior division.
The Hsieh Chih Industrial Revitalization Association launched a teacher training program,
entrusting schools to send many teachers to study abroad for further study.


Due to the government's extension of compulsory education to nine years, the five-year Mechanical Engineering Department in junior division of this school was suspended.
Approved to resume admissions for the Mechanical Engineering Department in senior division. (Apil 1968)


Added the Electronic Equipment Maintenance Department. (August 1969)


The school was renamed to Tatung Senior Industrial Vocational School. (February 1970)
The Comprehensive Business Department was added.


The school was renamed to Tatung Senior Vocational School of Commerce and Industry. (May 1971)


A sister-school relationship was established with Miyazaki High School in Japan.


Admissions to the general tutorial school were discontinued, replaced by in-service industry-based cooperative education programs.


Implemented a cluster education system.


The Comprehensive Business Department ceased admissions, replaced by the Business Management Department.


The Business Management Department ceased admissions, replaced by the Data Processing Department.


Start planning for the establishment of a general senior high school.


The school was renamed Tatung Senior High School.
A general department was added and approved to admit one class of new students.


Tatung Senior High School was officially renamed, and a new school gate was constructed.
The construction of Shangchih Education Research Center started. (November 11, 1992)


The Shangchih Education Research Center was completed and opened. (November 19, 1998)


Implemented the new vocational curriculum and academic year credit-based system.


In line with the academic year credit-based system, the Mechanical Engineering Department was renamed as the Mechanical Department.


A Comprehensive Senior High School was added, with approval to enroll four new classes, each named "Zheng, Cheng, Qin, Jian" (Integrity, Sincerity, Diligence, and Thriftiness).

The School of Continuing Education ceased enrollment.


Dr. Chen Huo-Yen took office as the fifth principal of the school. (September 29, 2006)
The 2006 Temporary Curriculum Outline was implemented for the new students admitted in the 2006 academic year.


Admissions for the Comprehensive Senior High School were ceased, while the General Department began admitting six classes, and the class names was changed to "Zheng, Cheng, Qin, Jian, Mei, De" (Integrity, Sincerity, Diligence, Thriftiness, Beauty and Virtue).

Organized the first independent school sports festival with the theme of "Vibrant Tatung, Glory Reborn," (April 21, 2007)


The 2009 Curriculum Outline was implemented for the new students admitted in the 2009 academic year.


The 2019 Curriculum Outline and Learning Program Files were implemented for the new students admitted in the 2019.


Dr. Kung Ling-Ming assumed office as the sixth principal of the school. (August 1, 2020)


The Electronics Department ceased admissions, and the Information Department was introduced.

